Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm a FB?

Um...yeah well I just joined FB and I'm not sure I'm even that! I'm more of a forums and email type of gal, don't even "chat". Too bad there wasn't a none of the above option! LOL!

You Are Facebook

You are social, outgoing, and excited to connect to your friends.

You are interested in your friends' lives, and you enjoy adding your opinion to the mix.

While you enjoy sharing online, you don't want everyone to know your business.

You value your privacy. Your life is an open book to those you know but not to strangers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

FOB2Y - Chocolate or Vanilla?

You Are Vanilla

You are a delightful, friendly person. You are optimistic about life and people.

You are enthusiastic and energetic. You enjoy everything you do.

You are cooperative and flexible. You get along with people from many walks of life.

You're not a show off. Instead, you're more likely to help other people shine.

Yep its me!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

SSD FOB2Y 3/12/09

Girl scout cookies...
I avoid them now. I used to buy them, then eat the whole box in one sitting. I have no self control when it comes to the thin mint frozen in my nifty little freezer. They just jump out of the box and into my mouth, no hands required. I say I will only eat one or two or ten and then the box just vanishes, I lay on the couch groaning "WHY!" and vow to not do it again. Which I do the next time I buy some. So I've stopped buying them. Now I just hand over a five or ten to the little girl and tell her to eat them for me. Stomach surgery is just too expensive to keep going down that road!